Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 702

Chapter 702


Good day, young lady, said the driver with a friendly smile.

Lets get going, Tyrone said, shutting the door.

The driver started the car. He glanced in the rearview mirror and playfully remarked, If I didnt know any better, Id think Jennie was your daughter, given the resemblance. 

Tyrone couldnt help but glance at Jennie. She was wiggling her legs in excitement and Looking around curiously.

Studying her face more closely, he did see a resemblance.

To his surprise, he even detected a hint of Sabrinas features in her.

Tyrone chuckled to himself, shaking his head.

He must be imagining things.

He was well aware that his aunt had adopted Jennie from an orphanage.

Tyrone wished Jennie was his daughter with Sabrina.

He thought that Sabrina might forgive him and wouldnt want to divorce him for the sake of their daughter.

The little girls fascination with Mathias was evident as she pressed her cheek against the window, observing the passing scenery and asking numerous questions.

Look, theres a frog man! she squealed excitedly, pointing to a nearby spot.

Following her gaze, Tyrone spotted someone in a frog costume selling frog dolls.

Is that a man in a costume? Why is he dressed like that? Jennie inquired, her eyes still fixed on the peculiar sight.

Hes wearing that costume to attract attention and sell those frog toys.

Jennie, our next stop is your great-grandmas house. Youll get to meet her. kay. Jennie nodded earnestly. rent you curious about who your great-grandma is?

I already know who she is, Jennie replied with a smile. Shes Grandmas mother.

Her expression was adorable, reminding him of Bun

When he first Learned of Sabrinas pregnancy, he imagined having a daughter as lovely as Jennie.

But that dream remained just that that-a fantasy.

